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Dec 10

FILED IN: Social Justice and Advocacy

16 Days: Human Rights Day

Today, December 10th is Human Rights Day.  On December 10th 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which promotes the protection of human rights worldwide. Every year, a specific issue is highlighted. This year, the focus is on the right of all human beings to make their voices heard and to be included into the political decision-making process. This year’s theme is: “My Voice Counts”.

my voice counts 2012

Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirm that all humans have the right to freedom of opinion and expression, to peaceful assembly and association, and to take part in the government.

People around the world have been making their voices heard in recent years, from the Arab protest to the Occupy Movement. Canada’s reputation as a country where human rights are respected took a backseat during the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association identified human rights violations related to arbitrary arrests, degrading conditions of detention and abusive behaviour by police.

Recently, the Constance E. Hamilton Award on the Status of Women was awarded to Ceta Ramkhalawansingh, a formidable activist who advocates for the achievement of women’s equality in education, social housing, literacy, employment, reproductive choice and the elimination of violence against women. Her work, both at grassroots and international levels, is a prime example of the importance and potential influence of speaking up against social injustices.


Nellie’s is committed to provide resources for all women and children to have their voices heard. You can help Nellie’s accomplish this goal by:

  • Using the power of the social media with the hashtag #VoiceCount on Twitter to help spread the word on this important day and the message it carries.
  • Being involved in the political process and voting for the politician that you feel will best serve the interests the people, including the most marginalized.
  • Speaking up when you see instances of injustice around you.
  • Creating awareness by participating in social justice events in your community.

Freedom of speech is a right, exercise that right!

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