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Nov 1

FILED IN: Program Updates

Aliza’s Story

Women who live in poverty are more likely to experience violence.  In fact, at Nellie’s we believe that poverty is a form of violence against women.

Aliza came to Nellie’s 5 years ago with her young daughter. She was homeless and without a penny to her name after her husband left her for the second time.  She had been financially dependent on him and without a job or any support from family or friends, she struggled to make ends meet.  When Aliza’s husband left he took everything from their apartment so she was left with nothing but the clothes on her back.  She came to Nellie’s as so many women often do, empty handed but for the child by her side.

Upon arrival at Nellie’s Aliza disclosed that her ex-husband beat her regularly during the years they were together. She re-told incidents of horrific abuse and violation after he would come home drunk at night. At Nellie’s we made sure that Aliza received the appropriate counseling resources she needed to work through her trauma so she could regain her strength and self-confidence, for herself and her daughter.

While Aliza was with us, we began the process of applying for affordable housing.  When women are at our shelter, securing safe and affordable housing is the first step they take towards beginning new lives, free from abuse.  While Aliza did not qualify for Special Priority Housing because she did not have documents to prove cohabitation with her ex-husband, we were able to secure temporary housing for her through the Housing Allowance Program which provides tenants with financial assistance with rent for 5 years.  Although this relief would be temporary, it addressed Aliza’s immediate needs in the face of no other options.

In March of 2013, Aliza’s 5 year Housing Allowance Program will be complete.  This means she will no longer receive any financial assistance to help pay her rent.  Although she is working, her limited income cannot cover market rent rates, leaving her and her daughter at great risk for becoming homeless again.  Aliza’s future depends on breaking the cycle of poverty in which she is currently trapped. Temporary solutions like the Housing Allowance Program offer short-term relief, but do little to address the larger systemic issue of the lack of affordable housing in our city.  Although Aliza no longer has to fear punches and bruises from her husband, she continues to experience violence as result of living in poverty.

Today, we continue to support Aliza.  Our Transitional Housing Support Worker is assisting Aliza with navigating the difficult subsidized housing process.  We are helping her apply for Rent Geared to Income Housing, connecting her to counseling supports, increasing her involvement in the community, and encouraging her to explore additional government supports. Despite the challenges they have faced and the difficult journey they have been on, Aliza and her daughter are survivors and this story is the story of so many women who come to Nellie’s.

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