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Jun 19

FILED IN: Social Justice and Advocacy

Why We March in Pride

PRIDE is a feeling of honour and self-respect; a sense of personal worth. It is what each person should feel regardless of gender, race, cultural background, sexual orientation or anything else that makes us different from what society considers the “norm.” Yet, we are often made to feel ‘less than’ and discriminated against because we are different.

Homophobia is an unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality, sometimes leading to acts of violence and expressions of hostility. Homophobia occurs for many reasons including ignorance and a desire by those in power to keep some people oppressed.  The Gay Rights Movement was born as a response to this ignorance and injustice after the Stonewall Riots in New York City, during which patrons refused to submit to police questioning and arrest at the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in Greenwich Village.

One year later, in 1970 Pride was officially celebrated for the first time when activist groups marched in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago, using terms like “Gay Liberation” and “Gay Freedom” in support of their cause on the anniversary The Stonewall Riots. Forty two years later, Pride is celebrated in numerous countries, around the world including Canada!

At Nellie’s we are proud to participate in the Dyke March and Pride Parade every year in solidarity with our LGBTTIQQ2SA brothers and sisters because even though we have made many strides, we still have far to go.

Why do we march?

We march so that we do not have to face shame or fear because of who we love; we march because we should have the right to get married even if our partner is the same sex as us.

We march because we should be able to have a family and not face any indignities when considering adoption.

We march because our youth should not have to commit suicide because they are bullied by their peers and they have no one to turn to.

We march because we should not have to ‘stay in the closet’ to suit our families, friends or coworkers because we are afraid they will disown us or because we make them feel uncomfortable.

We  march for our brothers and sisters who do not have the voice or the rights to do so.

We march because we want our children and grandchildren to march not because there is still a fight for them, but because there is a celebration, because we have accomplished equality, and because we should feel pride, regardless of who we love.


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