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Jun 18

FILED IN: Social Justice and Advocacy

National Day of Action to Stop Cuts to Refugee Health Care

Today is the National Day of Action to Stop Cuts to Refugee Health Care.  This action is in protest of the recently introduced changes to the Interim Federal Health Benefit which will negatively impact access to health care for refugees. The changes are outlined below (source: Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care):

1. All refugees will lose access to medication coverage, vision and dental care through the Interim Federal Health Benefit

2. Health insurance, where available, will be restricted to “urgent or essential care”; there will be no further coverage for preventative care

3. People from Designated Countries of Origin will lose all health coverage including for urgent or essential care except for #4 below

4. All refugees will be covered for the following conditions (including medications)

i) Issues of public health concern-these are infections that are on the Public Health Agency of Canada notifiable diseases list and involve human to human transmission (note this does not include common infections such as pneumonias, pyelonephritis etc. or even conditions such as malaria)
ii) Issues of public security concerns-this will be defined as psychotic conditions where a person has been identified as being a danger to others (this does not include suicidal intent)

Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care made this video to protest the cuts:

Refugees are among the most vulnerable members of our society and cutting their access to health care puts them at high risk for significant health problems.  According to The Wellesley Institute: “Women and children are at particular risk as their access to medical support if they suffer physical or emotional abuse will be eliminated. It is also likely that the prevalence of chronic conditions, such as mental health issues, will increase amongst vulnerable populations as a result of this policy change.” Their recently published paper, “The Real Cost of Cutting Refugee Health Care Benefits ” goes in-depth about how the cuts will affect refugees.

Today’s action will take place in solidarity with other events happening around the country in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Hamilton, and Montreal.   Participants are asked to meet outside the Toronto Regional Office of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, at 25 St. Clair Avenue East at 1:00pm.

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