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Apr 17

FILED IN: Program Updates

Nellie’s Celebrates our Volunteers for National Volunteer Week!

This week, April 15th – 21st is National Volunteer Week!  Established in 1994,  National Volunteer Week is an opportunity for Canadian’s to recognize the 12.5 million volunteers who graciously donate their time and energy to make our country and the world a better place.

At Nellie’s, our volunteers are an integral part of our day-to-day operations.  Whether helping us with fundraising and administrative duties or working directly with women to ensure that their experience at Nellie’s is a great one, we could not do the work we do without them.

This week we’d like to introduce you to some of our volunteers and the amazing things they do to support the women and children at Nellie’s!

Every Tuesday Clara, Jolene, Patricia and Nutu come to help Adriana with our Tuesday Supper Surprise Food Drop-In Program.  Once the food donations arrive from Second Harvest, our volunteers unload, sort,pack and handout between 60 and 70 individual bags every week for the women.

(Clara, Jolene, Patricia, Nutu, and staff Adriana)

Clara was formerly a placement student at Nellie’s and continues to volunteer her time with us.  Jolene has been volunteering for Nellie’s for 2 years, Nutu has been volunteering for 3 years, and Patricia has been volunteering for 1 year. 

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