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International Volunteer Day

Today is International Volunteer Day, a day to recognize and celebrate the wonderful, outstanding, and powerful contributions that volunteers make to society!

At Nellie’s, volunteers make an invaluable contribution to our programs and services each and every day.  Our volunteers work in a variety of roles such as Board & Committee Members, Direct Service Volunteers, and Administration & Special Events Volunteers.

Last year our volunteers provided over 10,000 hours of service cooking hot, nutritious food for the women at our supper program, performing administrative tasks to support our fundraising team, creating arts & crafts activities for the children at Nellie’s, and creating awareness and action to prevent violence against women through events in our community.

WE believe that volunteers make a valuable contribution. Without them, we would be unable to provide the supports and services that vulnerable women and children require.

WE believe that volunteers are entitled to orientation, training, supervision, support, evaluation and recognition and it is our responsibility to provide these.

WE make a commitment in terms of time, energy and resources to ensure that volunteers are able to participate fully in the life of the organization and are able to meet their personal objectives of volunteering in the organization.

WE will ensure that all volunteers are aware of both their rights and responsibilities as part of the organization.

Thank you Volunteers for all that you do for the women and children at Nellie’s! 

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