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Posts Tagged ‘OCAD’

Summer Camp: Week 3

Posted on: July 30th, 2013 by Nellie's No Comments

It’s been a busy week at camp!

We had another successful art workshop with Meghan, our OCAD leader. She taught us about van Gogh this week and then led us in an art exercise to create our own Van Gogh paintings!

Van Gogh

Each camper was able to express their own unique style and interpretation so no two pieces were exactly alike.  Everyone was very proud to show off their work. We think it’s a real confidence boost!

Day trips like the one we took to the Art Gallery of Ontario let the kids express their independence. They were able to explore the artwork that they felt drawn to and had a great time discussing the paintings and sculptures.

Outside AGO

To end the third week of camp we had a pyjama party! We made s’mores, popped popcorn, and watched movies.

at High Park

It’s wonderful to see how much the campers look forward to seeing each other every day. When someone is absent, the other campers take notice and make sure to fill in the absent camper when they return. The campers are very caring of one another and make sure never to leave anyone out. We can’t wait to see what our fourth week of camp brings!


Summer Camp: Week 2

Posted on: July 23rd, 2013 by Nellie's No Comments

The campers had the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents this week. With a workshop led by an OCAD student, the kids got to practice their impressionist pastel drawings with an expert instructor! All the campers were really proud to take home their art projects.

All the games we play like Frogger, Silly Sally, and Heads Down Thumbs Up really give the kids a chance to be social and make friends. No one is shy about volunteering to be the leader!  We’ve started doing suggestion circles where we get the kids to brainstorm on a “real-life” problem that they may encounter. Our topics so far have been about listening skills and bullying. The kids always have great suggestions and everyone feels like their ideas matter.

Practicing Mary Cassatt

We also had a great treat this week and went to the movies to see Despicable Me 2. Popcorn was a welcomed snack! We got rave reviews about this trip. The kids were laughing even long after the movie was over.

baking treats 2

Baking was a great community-building activity. Being able to work as a team to make food, and then to sit together and eat is a great experience. Everyone was eager to participate and got to practice taking turns and respecting everyone’s contributions.

baking treats

 All in all, we had a great week!